Learn Spanish


Spanish (Español) or Castilian (Spanish: Castellano) is the official language of the Spanish Kingdom and it is also the official language of most countries of South America, and one of the two languages ​​spoken by the inhabitants of Puerto Rico, and Spanish is spoken by between 322 to 400 million people as a mother language on the scale International, which is the most popular Romance language.

The Spanish language, used in the Spanish kingdom of Spain is called Castilian. Relative to the region of Castile, and the national language of Castilians, it is believed to have originated in the Cordillera, in the north of present-day Spain.

It spread throughout Spain in the eighth and ninth centuries AD. While the Spanish used in South America is known as American Spanish. Castilian Spanish and American Spanish are basically the same, but there are few differences between them in pronunciation and vocabulary. In Spanish as in Arabic the nouns are divided into masculine and feminine, but there are a few neutral nouns. That is, that is neither masculine nor feminine. Regular word order is subject, verb, object. (Spanish: Español).

The Spanish language is the mother tongue of more than 400 million people in 30 countries around the world, and it is also the official language of most Latin American countries and the second language for some others, and the Spanish language is the fifth in terms of spread in the world as the number of its speakers in the world reaches 6.25 %.

Learning Spanish is not difficult because it is one of the easiest and most enjoyable languages ​​to learn. You only need a system to learn it and enjoy learning and practicing the language.

Reasons to make you seriously consider learning Spanish:

  • Spanish language skills are an important addition to your CV to improve your marketing and boost your career.
  • Ease of learning in terms of pronunciation and grammar compared to other languages.
  • Openness to one of the richest cultures in the world and one of the most prolific literary books and works.
  • Enjoying the best tourist destinations in the world, as countries that rely on Spanish as the official language are among the most beautiful tourist destinations in the world.
  • The second language in the United States due to the steady influx of new immigrants from Latin America and the growing population of Hispanic descent.
  • If you are about to move to a Spanish speaking country and you want to quickly learn to communicate in Spanish

Spanish language courses:

Free online Spanish language course for beginners:

From Future learn, learn Spanish for beginners here

Learn basic words and phrases in the Spanish language:

A site that allows you more than 100 words and a sentence of basic words in the Spanish language with the possibility of repeating them more than once to repeat and memorize them from here

Spanish magazines and newspapers:

Sites that help you master the Spanish language:

1-  https://www.duolingo.com/

Duolingo simply helps you, as it initially performs a placement test to determine the appropriate lessons for you. The site also allows you to practice the Spanish language with other practitioners so that you do not lack enthusiasm for learning.

2- http://telemundo.com/

It contains a comprehensive library of various videos in various fields and disciplines that help you learn Spanish.

3- http://www.spanishdict.com/

One of the richest useful resources for every learner of the Spanish language. Where there are sections for words on all topics of daily life and enables you to listen to Spanish words and it helps you well when knowing some idiomatic expressions and the nuances between them so that they are not confused.

4- http://duroos.org/

One of the best sites to learn the Spanish language that starts with you from elementary levels until you reach the stage of mastery.

5- https://www.babbel.com/learn-spanish

Babbel provides you with all the resources you need to start the learning process.

6- https://app.fluencia.com/

One of the most recent sites to teach Spanish, guides you on how to learn, and determines your level of Spanish, and helps you well.

7- http://www.fluentu.com/spanish

The site provides you with the best tips to learn Spanish on a daily basis and to watch various videos, music, movies, news, talks, learning lessons.

8- http://www.urbandictionary.com/

It contains a vocabulary dictionary of the colloquial Spanish language and offers a wide range of words that you can learn to increase your skills.

9- http://www.urbandictionary.com/

This site provides a special dictionary for colloquial words in the Spanish language.

10-  http://www.wordreference.com/es/

A Spanish dictionary that is constantly on the Internet, enabling you to search for the meanings of the vocabulary online and also there are important phrases and expressions.

Books and novels:

El Amor En Los Tiempos del Colera  –  La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes – Cien anos de Soledad: Fragmentos – El Peregrino – Don Quijote de la Mancha –  Antonio Muñoz Molina –  Ildefonso Falcones –  Sónia Hernández – Carlos Ruiz Zafón

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