Travel to Romania by volunteering, including accommodation and visa


Travel to Romania Do you want to have the opportunity to travel to Romania by volunteering, including accommodation and visa? SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) Association offers an opportunity to travel to Romania by volunteering, including accommodation and visa.

VolunteeringArts Lab 5.0 | Are you an A R T I S T?
the organizationSUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) Association
CityTârgu Frumos

Activity description

If your greatest passion is art and you would like to participate in a variety of activities such as art residencies, caravans in Romania, designing creative installations and artworks alongside young people, organizing festivals and events, collaborating with other artists and exploring new ways of communicating with diverse audiences, apply now!

Your work will become part of four experimental museums in our city, providing you with a truly transformative experience. It will be a lot of work, but it will also be full of joy. You will learn and explore yourself in ways you never thought you could. By the end of the experience, you will have a strong portfolio that will support you in achieving your dreams!

Check the information pack:

Accommodation, food and transportation arrangements

  1. We will provide accommodation in double and triple rooms, in our Youth Center (Act House, Cucuteni No. 8, Târgu Frumos, Iași, Romania) – check them in 3D:
  2. You will receive €150 per month (money for food) and €4 per day (pocket money). This money is sufficient for living standards in Târgu Frumos.
  3. We will reimburse your travel costs based on a lump sum and help you figure out how to reach us.
  4. Târgu Frumos is a small and safe town, located near Iași, Romania’s second largest city and a vibrant cultural space.

Read also: Everything You Want To Know About Types Of Volunteering

Training during the activity

  • Our training programs include the Romanian language,
  • various crafts and informal styles,
  • and two trainings offered by the Romanian National Agency.
  • You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with other enthusiastic volunteers and learn from past Art Lab participants about their unique experiences.
  • Volunteers often describe the Arts Lab as a life-changing experience, and we are committed to staying connected for the long term. In fact, we are already planning a conference for all 100 Arts Lab volunteers in 2028.


It take us time to find our dream team, this is why our selection process is very different than other projects. Our volunteers stand out through their artistic profile, perseverance, and commitment. If you are a creative mind, aged 18-30 y. o., if you have an art portfolio, you are hardworking, willing to explore a different topic every month, travel, meet and collaborate with hundreds of people, if it’s okay to share your room with two roommates for six months, and work alongside 14 other artists, we encourage you to APPLY.

How To Apply

Please click on Apply Now below to fill out the application form

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